Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy 2007!

1. May all your dreams come true, especially those involving Heidi Klum.
2. May the Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accidentally slip while inspecting a weapons facility, hit the red button, and be scuttled into the sea while riding a missile at 4000 m.p.h.
3. Peace, goodwill, and sharing among men. Unless I win the Powerball. Don't bother asking.
4. May Osama Bin Laden develop such a bad case of diarrhea that the unfortunate stains on his white attire become visible from outer space.
5. If Steelers coach Bill Cowher retires, please tell them to hire me. I know what I'm doing.
6. May the Republicans and Democrats work together to benefit the American people instead of themselves and special interests. Oops, I forgot. This is New Years and not April Fool's Day.
7. Would someone please just agree to pay me a wage for hearing my opinions?
8. May your blog find syndication.
9. Can anyone get me a gig on the O'Reilly Factor?
10. Seriously, enjoy your life, care for your loved ones, and always remember to floss after brushing.

Happy New Year!! Peace to you and yours!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Some Top Stories and Reflections from 2006

The Iraq conundrum: By now most of us know the war in Iraq needs a change in direction to achieve a positive outcome. No, we cannot pull up stakes and run like a buckshot coyote but there are some strategic and tactical redeployments that many believe give us a better chance of protecting our own and quelling the insurgency. Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and a majority of dermatologists underestimated the levels of horror and violence thrust upon the Iraqi population and our military by radical Islamic extremists. We simply failed to understand that so many young sheep allowed insane clerics and imams to convince them to strap bombs to their chests and cars on their one way journey to hell. If, and I say if the Bush Administration and Pentagon decide that a temporary troop surge is necessary than please attempt the following steps: (1) Use the temporary increase in troop strength to bolster the Iraqi security forces in and around Baghdad. As Baghdad goes, so goes Iraq. (2) A phased redeployment to the borders with Syria and Iran is a must. Iranian revolutionary guards provide manpower, training, and weapons to those committing violence and destroying the future of Iraq and Lebanon. In fact, seal the borders until the government takes its feet, an economy grows, and the transfer of weapons and willing homicide bombers ends. (3) Provide more special operations through the use of intelligence and counterintelligence. Why not use special forces to wipe out some of the most radical fuelers of the insurgency instead of allowing them to hide behind religious protections?

Islamic extremism: The self-proclaimed dictator of Iran is as vile a human being as Hitler ever was in his darkest hour. The world sits stupidly with a dumb grin while Ahmadinejad promises to destroy Israel and America. Does this ring any bells? How about 1935 to 1939? Oh by the way, the IAEA functions as a futile body in Iran because they inspect only what he says they can inspect and soon they are on the way out of the country altogether. Make no mistake about it. The traces of polonium and uranium have nothing to do with the peaceful pursuit of nuclear energy for Iran. Iran intends to make nuclear bombs and the delivery systems are already in place to destroy Israel and reach the eastern seaboard of the U.S. We have two choices in finding peace in the Middle East. The root of radical Islam must be ferreted out and destroyed. Few people understand that a majority of the young people dying as supposed martyrs have far less command of Arabic than the murderous clerics do. They listen to the twisted words and hate of those desiring world domination with little ability to decipher the Quran on their own terms. Complete and direct sanctions against Middle Eastern countries that fail to assist us in ending extremist violence is a starting point. Don't fear the collateral damage. You should be wondering why you see no moderate Muslim outrage during the hot days of violence and death in the Middle East. Make no mistake, the core of the Islamic violence wants a Muslim world with no Christians, Jews, or Laker fans in it.

Illegal Immigration: Election 2006, Amnesty Wins!
How stupid are we really? This issue alone guaranteed the reelection of some of the country's conservative representatives on this issue. Boy was I wrong. Now the amnesty cowards feel free to push their agenda at will. I will make one last push for my immigration plan and then I fear I will tire. I do not request a border fence. I want a border blockade. A forty foot concrete wall constructed by the 11 million illegal immigrants already sucking up taxpayer dollars in this country suffices. There will be several openings, maybe 6, in this border-long conrete wall manned by large border patrol contingencies and customs officials. I know there may be crafty ways to attempt the scaling of my proposed concrete monolith so I am encouraging high voltage electric conduit to be placed in two foot increments up the face of my structure. Large warning signs in several languages are placed everywhere as tall as billboards warning of the danger of approaching the wall at other than an approved border patrol crossing. Then and only then can we start on the Canadian border, eh? Right now in northern Montana 20 divisions of the Chinese army could march into the United States unimpeded. The days of warm hugs and blowing kisses across our borders are over. This is a violent world with many in it wishing us death. Immigrants, more specifically illegal immigrants, can apply for citizenship the way my forefathers did, legally. Don't come here and wave Mexican flags and disrupt traffic and schools for the Americans that are paying for your healthcare and educations with little from you in return. Tough talk you say? Try following the rules to immigrate to Mexico. I think you'll find my proposals are gentle as a lamb.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Organ Donation: Give the Gift of Life

In September 2006 my father's liver function deteriorated as a result of an advanced stage of primary biliary cirrhosis. His internal medicine physician and a nephrologist at Billings Clinic made arrangements with the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha to evaluate him and to formulate a plan of action. The hospital flew him to Omaha late on a Tuesday night in October and by the end of the week several of us in the family made our way to Omaha. The diagnosis did not change but the prognosis did. He needed a liver and soon. After undergoing a myriad of tests to ascertain his overall health and his viability as an organ recipient, Dad was placed on the waiting list. As good as that news is to a waiting patient and family, there are some grim realities associated with the process. Nearly 20,000 people wait on the list and some 1700 die while waiting for a donated organ. By the grace of God our call came a mere 9 days later. His meld score was so high (a bad thing) that his transplant became imminent. On November 6, 2006 a family we've never met and a donor we could never thank gave the greatest gift imaginable. While one family in Omaha rejoiced another family in some other part of the country wept at what can only be described by me as a heroic loss.

I never gave the subject the consideration it deserves and that made me a fool. Brushing by the donation registration at the driver's license office proved just how selfish I was. Until it happens to you as the old saying goes. I never thought it would happen to me or within my immediate family. I was dead wrong. What state would we be in if everyone viewed organ donation with the same deadpan stare that I did? Medical procedures for transplants and pharmaceutical breakthroughs in the field of anti-rejection medication make the operations for organ transplants highly successful. Dad is recovering now and seems well on the way to regaining a normal life, free to enjoy his family and new grandson. I can never thank the donor and their family enough. It is such an easy decision and it is so amazing to watch life triumph over death. Speaking for me, there is no greater gift and I encourage everyone to become an organ donor. Talk about it with your family and decide for yourselves. Watch the gift of a loved one live on in a recipient that desperately needs a transplant. It is quite something to see the triumph after tragedy.

The Older I Get, The More I Love My Dog

Having had a history in law enforcement I can tell you that it is not all that difficult to have disgust and distrust for the seedier sides of humanity. I know that humans come first and animals have no mortal soul and so forth but take my argument, weigh it, and see if you agree with me even if in theory only.

1. Your dog will always be happy to see you even when you have the flu or when you accidentally knocked one of those antique plates off the china hutch and broke it.
2. After working outside, your dog doesn't really care how bad you smell. In fact, the raunchier your clothes are the happier he or she is to see you. Rolling in the clothes is optional.
3. A $3.00 bag of dog treats gains you as much affection as a $25,000.00 car does to a human counterpart.
4. I missed Valentine's Day, his birthday, and the anniversary of his AKC registration and he didn't say a thing, not one thing.
5. He barks at the mail man.
6. I am training him to bring beer on command. The only reward he cherishes is an ice cube.
7. My German Sheperd is a master at understanding human emotions directed towards him. When my wife is at home, his bed is on the floor. When she is gone, he doesn't even HAVE to ask nor does he when he jumps up on the bed.
8. When I leave on a trip he hangs his head in anguish and pouts. When I return a week later it's like I've been gone for months and he barely contains his excitement. Now to train my wife for the same response.

When all is said and done, the old dog is a true friend and loyal companion. No back talk, (unless he needs a treat) plenty of affection, and I don't have to bail him out or pay for a prom dress. All in all, a faithful pal indeed.


Check out the new books by Kirk Maier (perhaps an alter ego) available on I recommend downloading them for $3.75 instead of the exorbinant price they're listed at in print. "A Conspiracy of Death" centers around a new deputy in a rural sheriff's department caught in the intrigue and murder of a narcotic's scheme orchestrated by one of the department's most venerable officers. Throw in an extremist militia group and a plot to kill the governor and you have a novella that reads fast and travels well while you're waiting to catch that plane.

The second book fits this blog much better. "Right of Center: Say What's On Your Cynical Mind" is a short book written with dripping sarcasm and satire all the while talking about issues everyday Americans talk about around the dinner table. I love to tackle the weirdo's in Hollywood, Islamic extremists, religions, and several other topics.

Sorry about the shameless self-promotion but until the Washington Post and a handful of literary agencies and publishers beg to have my work on their desks, it really is the only option.

Thanks and happy reading.

The (now shameless) Montana Conservative

The Butcher of Baghdad Meets His Just Fate

December 29, 2006

I am watching cable news with morbid fascination awaiting the news of former Iraqi dictator Suddam Hussein's fate. He dies within the next 24 hours as ordered by an Iraqi tribunal, the order signed into effect by the Iraqi government. I thought it was particularly polite of the government and prosecutors to bring only 148 counts of what we would call "deliberate homicide" against him when in fact he surely gave orders and maintained culpability in well over one hundred thousand sanctioned murders. Since the executioner can only hang him once I suppose it would've been overkill to waste everybody's time and money tying up the boisterous legal proceedings in Iraq with cases involving that many victims. How interesting to see updates on the "cable news giants" every few minutes telling us that Saddam's time is at hand. During their broadcasts this past year pinning the administration on their justification for the war and weapons of mass destruction, little if any attention was paid to the biggest weapon of mass destruction in the region over the past decade. Saddam's own hands murdered as many as five hundred canisters of mustard gas or a dirty bomb ever could. Don't believe what you hear about the war. The media flexed their muscles this past election and helped (not caused) dupe an already dumbed down American populace into believing the "know nothing and do less" Democrats had the secular agenda to save America. Don't you just love editorial slant.

I am a fence-sitter in the capital punishment debate. In theory and philosophy, I am a supporter of the death penalty. Of course old Saddam's issue is not part or parcel of America's capital punishment system but some of the same questions exist. In America, short of having lived in a cave for the last twenty or so years, anyone with any intellectual aptitude concedes there are significant problems with the old death factories like those in the Oklahoma and Texas Departments of Correction. In short, several innocent men have been executed based on faulty crime lab work and always unreliable witness identification and testimony. The scientific breakthroughs and protocols in DNA testing made the decision a little easier for me.

To fix it, let's keep it simple. Retest all physical evidence for those on death row. A match is a match is a match is a match. Suspend all capital punishment until every state complies with DNA testing on these individuals. If DNA is not applicable within the evidentiary confines of a particular case, no death sentence can be given. If DNA matches exist and appeals are exhausted, then on with the show. It is not difficult and what a relief to prosecutors and defense attorneys alike. More deals can be struck lightening the load on overburdened dockets and the monsters with DNA matches in capital cases can be expedited to their just desserts. As for Saddam it doesn't really matter. In a society that prides itself on cutting off hands for stealing cookies and denigrating women in a male-dominated culture, it probably would've taken more than DNA to save the Butcher of Baghdad.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Apathetic America: To Be Continued

America’s Apathetic Slide: To Be Continued

Do political prognosticators really understand the reason Nancy Pelosi finds herself two heart beats from the Presidency come January? Do the editors at major media outlets really know how to decipher the reasons behind the slide in Iraq? Why the findings of the Iraq Study Group are grossly embedded with assumptions and faulty logic? The mystery to these questions is no mystery at all and the truth begs to be told. America no longer maintains the intestinal fortitude to hear the truth and act accordingly. We grudgingly tromp about in our tiny circles with little interest devoted to what matters and no desire to productively contribute to the future of our country and its founding principles and values. We simply do not care anymore and the future repercussions cast the dimmest glow on the horizon.

Pelosi and other recently elected Democrats rejoice in America’s “decisive” voice in effectuating change in America. But just how decisive was the vote? I am not talking about canvassed votes and the squeakiest of margins in Democratic victories in Virginia and Montana, but rather what did voters really know or care to research? The sad commentary simply reveals that after left-leaning print, network, and cable news organizations whipped the administration and the viewing public to death with negativity, scandal coverage, and unbalanced reporting, we bought it. The voting public or what there is of it, simply sat in living rooms awash in the negativity being broadcast night and day, hour by hour, and collectively fell prey to every word of it. Is Iraq the land of apple pie and hot dogs? No. Is there a need for a major policy shift and possible redeployment of our troops? The most probable answer is yes. Did the Democrats take control of Congress because a truly informed electorate weighed the tactical issues in Iraq against the actions of their representation or was it just easier to put faith in the networks, let them do the “work”, and believe cuddly politicians had the answer to Middle Eastern aggression and American troop deaths? I think the latter applies.

Pelosi’s motives adhere themselves to the most radical ideologies in the Democratic Party. Did the American people really weigh enough of what matters when a San Francisco liberal that supports abortion, alternative life styles, judicial activism, and dialogue with rogue states like North Korea now finds herself within arm’s reach of the United States presidency? Oh, yeah that is right. America woke up election morning with a fresh perspective on what is right and what is wrong on the American value scale and Nancy Pelosi is the clear winner. That is ridiculous. The “informed electorate” is not very informed at all. But what do we expect? When seniors in high school cannot pass the verbal and reading portions of their SAT’s and few of the registered voters know the capital of their own state or the names of more than five of our past presidents, what does the future hold?

What about the findings of the blue ribbon fact-combing commission known as the Iraq Study Group? (I thought blue ribbons went to 4-H kids with a champion steer, I digress) I generally maintain a favorable impression of James Baker as do I with the accomplishments and vision of the Reagan Administration. However, during the group’s press conference and subsequent interviews, James Baker and Lee Hamilton stressed the importance of dialogue with Muslim states in the region including Syria and Iran. That is comforting. Let us review lest we distract ourselves. As I pen this article the Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is passing tea and pastries around the table at a conference intended to deny the Holocaust as a historical event.

Oh, did I mention that he calls for the eradication of Israel? Yes, by all means let’s have a summit with someone possessing these maniacal tendencies for genocide and world domination. Elite Iranian military personnel provide weapons and training to Shiite militia. Syria remains a bed partner with the insurgency and provides money, weapons, training, and porous border control to fuel sectarian bloodletting in Iraq. Our “ally” Saudi Arabia allows its citizens and members within the royal family to funnel money to the Sunni death squads in Iraq. The Taliban resurfaces like dead carp from the deep as Afghanistan continues to wobble on its weak knees. Osama Bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri probably reside in the tribal regions of Pakistan. I guarantee if they resided in the tribal regions of Nevada they would be captured or better yet dead.

The point is this. There never has been peace between the West and Middle East. There has never been peace between the Middle East and the Middle East. Do you ever wonder why countries with billions of dollars in resources and assets continue to trudge along in the Stone Age? Why do religious zealots control the populace like puppet masters and make semi-elected Muslim government officials fearful of them and those willing to carry out their bidding? (The rest of Muslim countries have dictatorships that literally can kill for sport) Do you really think the Israeli conflict with the Palestinians is over borders and a Palestinian state? It is about a state alright. It is about the elimination of the Israeli state. Do people understand that most of these countries still cut off hands, legs, and heads as punishment for crimes like petty theft and less? These are state laws but based on interpretation of Islamic law. Now we are getting to where the rubber meets the road.

We are not at war with terrorists; their actions are incidental believe it or not. We are at war with an ideology that manifests itself through violent extremism but whose roots lie within Muslim tradition and culture. Yes sir, a racist and bigoted statement until the reality presents itself. One question solves the quandary. Where is the moderate Muslim outrage? Do Christians in Davenport jump up and down when Ahmadinejad threatens harm and death to America and Israel? Do Christians jump in their cars and travel to Chicago or New York to blow up a mosque or detonate a car bomb on the streets while innocents go about the business of daily life? No they do not. Do you remember watching news footage of rabid crowds chanting in unison, firing weapons in the air, and burning the likenesses of American leaders in effigy? Uncontrolled emotional reactions based on daily choices not influenced but dictated by religion. Every response whether viewed in a conservative, moderate, or extremist light is based on adherence at one level or another to Islamic law. We worship privately but have vocal stalwarts whose lives are dedicated to preventing the melding of church and state. In Muslim cultures, the state is the most vocal proponent of religion and religious ideology controls the state’s activities. Hamas, Hezbollah, and even Al-Qaeda are not politically motivated but dominated and indoctrinated by supposed and sometimes imposed religious edict. How can the American government legitimate them as functioning government and political entities when they are driven by a religious ideology that promotes eradication and domination?

In America, even as morally unfit as we are, if Catholic or Protestant death squads roamed the streets in their relatively small numbers the “sectarian” violence would end in short order. Value based outrage here would lead to their throats being cut in their sleep. That is the difference. We are fighting in Iraq for people that are so addicted to their religion that peace cannot be achieved. Modern values and principles like the separation of church and state that have evolved over centuries, wars, and bloodshed never moved beyond the 15th century in the Middle East. Even if the entire globe converted to Islam, the battle for power among sects of the same religion would thrust the entire planet into war forever. We are at war with a culture that cannot stand peace. How can the Iraq Study Group call for multilateral dialogue with states that cannot adhere to the modern principles of peace through the separation of church and state? I stand for Christian principles and values but I don’t expect Washington to force them as law on the populace and punish those who privately disagree.

I am so disappointed that we are such obtuse purveyors of modern history. Adolph Hitler did not saunter from his suite in a bath robe one cool morning in 1940 and decide over breakfast and Eva Braun to destroy the Jews. The beginnings of Mein Kampf seethed with hatred and evil nearly twenty years prior to the invasion of Poland. History is repeating itself with Ahmadinejad right before our eyes and no one does a thing. On a cheerier note, he is aligned with Putin and Russia as well. That should make everyone sleep a little sounder tonight.

When it is all boiled down to gravy our own moral decline certainly weakens our position when we need strong resolve as a nation to deal with the growing global manifestations of extremism. We cannot hold our marriages together, keep unborn children from homicide, nor can we understand the complexity multicultural interactions and the inherent challenges of surviving on this planet. A political leader stands high atop his podium crashing his fist and denigrating a sovereign country and preaching genocide. Our response is to grab a pizza, watch the King of Queens, and hope the media and Nancy Pelosi’s track record on foreign policy keeps us from harm.

Our apathy is rotting us from the inside out. We have little control over our own lives and certainly our ability to prioritize what is critical from what is trivial has been lost. We are obsessed with vanity and material wealth and accumulation. We won’t sacrifice enough to save our families anymore much less consider sacrificing for our country. Why is Nancy Pelosi on the beltway’s fast track? She is where she is because no one took the time to give a damn. This country obviously weakened itself with the November elections and we should be afraid. Regardless of the election results, the world got what it wanted. The world received a pacifist response from a nation of “do-nothings” and “care-lessers”. The piper will be paid. The anti-conservative media rails against the death of American troops yet will spend segments three and four times as long on Tom Cruise’s baby and George Clooney’s face. That’s what America wants. What America gets will be far darker and more dismal than even World War Two.

Montana Conservative

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Those bad heterosexuals

Oh boy, most of the banter will probably have subsided by the time I write this. I do not support a homosexual lifestyle based on my Biblical beliefs (mine, not yours) and that makes me a bigot. Homosexual couples do not support a heterosexual lifestyle (obviously) but they are not bigots, they are "enlightened." Don't you dare disagree with them and their lifestyle, you probably will be accused of supporting slavery in the next sentence.

I would never harm, talk down to, or denigrate any homosexual. If they wanted my opinion, I would give it to them and try my best to put my views in the best light. I would work with them and live next to them without any conflict or opposition. The lifestyle is their choice, not mine. I do not have to support that lifestyle nor believe it is right based on the media's slant or a secularist's agenda. I have that right. I don't care to have a gay pride parade splashed across the screen with most participants dressed in drag.(that has been my observation of tape shot by news channels) If there was a heterosexual pride parade we "bigots" would be burned at the stake. What about a heterosexual parade where I dressed up like my wife and she dressed up like me? I wonder about the response.

After all, I cannot see any scientific support of how "natural" it is for homosexuals to have children. Sure they can love and provide monetary support for children but doesn't the whole process fly in the face of Darwin's natural selection and Evolution theories? Forget about religion. Is procreation now taken out of the "natural" process? Ten years ago it was common for gay rights advocates to quote the scientific research of male sheep that were characterized as homosexual after much study. I've never seen two buck sheep raise or nurse a lamb, though. In quoting the protections provided for all by the Constitution's framers, keep in mind that things are probably better now for gay rights advocates than they would have been in 1776 and thereafter. Freedom from religious persecution as intended at THAT TIME meant you weren't forced to go to church but you were expected to. There probably were few openly gay couples then and if there were, historical accounts say the treatment of them by society was less than stellar.

The history of our country and the Declaration of Independence and Constitution are based on the Judaeo/Christian belief systems. I get a kick out of modern liberals who seem to think that religion must be banished from the public discourse. The history and founding of our country is "awash" in religion. That is not my mandate; it is simply historical fact. I am sorry if the hyper-sensitive crowd gets their feelings hurt by anyone that disagrees with them and says they have religious beliefs. You can say what you want about anti-gay people being bigoted for having personal convictions but in this modern culture your venomous speech against heterosexuals with beliefs (usually kept to ourselves) is openly attacked and usually endorsed by the mainstream media. Shame on all of you.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Andrea Yates Tragedy

It whizzed by in a blur and then I had the chance to focus on it when it recycled itself in the news headlines. A jury in Texas found Andrea Yates not guilty by reason of insanity in the drowning deaths of her five children, none of them older than 6 years if memory serves me right. This was Yates second trial. In the first trial a jury of her peers found her guilty but the verdict was thrown out afterwards based on what legal minds call a "technical glitch, procedural error, or some other such nonsense ." Now she is herded off to a mental facility for "intensive" treatment and counseling sessions. My question is, what for? Can't they just lock her in a room (instead of a cell in this case), throw her a coloring book and some yogurt, and pass her a mop once a week so she can clean up around her accomodations? The woman gets away with murdering her five children including an infant daughter but her actions are rationalized through the time honored defense team practice of basing a case on insanity. And modern juries are still dumb enough to buy it.

Let us attempt to delve into the world of common sense which we know has no business in a court room. Psychiatrists and clinical psychologists constantly feel "beneath" their M.D. counterparts so most are more than willing to be labeled experts in a courtroom and justify their education and professional goals by assisting a defense attorney in convincing the world that the accused is scientifically "insane." Unless bailiffs had to physically shackle Andrea Yates to prevent her from removing her own eyes and eating them or to quell the stench from her bathing in her own wastes, she is NOT insane. Insane is lighting yourself on fire and tossing yourself upon your neighbor's grill because you really believe you are an Oscar Mayer wiener and you hope to get eaten.

OK, so obviously this second "loony" jury in Texas bought the whole "crazy as a craphouse rat" defense put forth in the second trial. A murderer escapes any semblance of real punishment and the taxpayers get to flip her bill (probably anywhere from $80k to $120k per year) for the rest of her natural life so that graduate students can use her as the basis for their thesis and earn their Ph.D's. You have to love the state of modern juris prudence. How ridiculous.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mideast "Crisis"

More violence and bloodshed engulf the Middle East as the Israeli army looks to eradicate the terror group Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. The sooner the better we hope. Of course Iran's and Syria's fingerprints are all over the rocket attacks perpetrated against Israeli cities by the Muslim radicals. Actually the rockets hurled at Israel have the Chinese stamp on them. Who'd believe it! Let's not forget to throw in Russia too. After all, they are sitting back and waiting for the crisis to reach epidemic proportions and that the oil market will collapse. This will strengthen their economic position in the world and with Iran on the transportation and sales of crude oil. That Putin is a charming and shrewd little rascal, isn't he? Let's get two things straight.

1. There will never be peace between Islamists and the Judaeo Christian belief systems, never. There is not meant to be. The sooner we accept it and develop a battle plan to live with it the better. If living with it means stomping the radical Islamists out, then so be it.

2. We need to withdraw from any and all participation in the United Nations. The U.N. is a corrupt and inept organization incapable of handling disputes between its janitorial staff. Russia and China have veto power on the security council? What progress can be achieved? It's like playing tic tac toe with Stephen Hawking. You just can't win. We simply need to remain the military superpower we are and force the world and our own citizens that contrary to the media's portrayal of American values, we are still the most productive, generous, and benevolent country in the world. Enough said.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

ILLEGAL immigration boycott

At first I was mildly annoyed by this past month's protest marches filled with rhetoric spoken in Spanish, upside down American flags, and a bunch of baggy pants carrying the Mexican flag up and down U.S. streets. This Spanish language version of the national anthem is the last straw for me. I hope any worker, illegal or otherwise, that skips work to participate in a march that is intended to cripple the economy these same protesters find safe haven in, are fired and hopefully deported immediately. Spanish kids that skip school to participate in this embarrassing march, I hope you are expelled and take up protests in China or something. Good luck with that language. I hate to see my tax dollars going to the "Mexican conversion" of our schools anyway. To be fair, maybe the illegal immigrants and their "huervos rancheros" supporters will be truly circumspect and honorable ruining the economy (ruining the economy because they are plugging the streets blocking transportation routes). I hope their focus is truly well rounded and they boycott all U.S. businesses like emergency rooms, food stamp lines, classrooms (tuition free) and refraining from driving cars on our streets without licenses. I went from wanting a secure border fence to a big thick wall lined with electric conduit. I would put up big warning signs, don't touch or else in "Mexican". If someone tried or if many tried, a nighttime flight overhead would expose what looked to be a giant bug zapper protecting our borders and the rights of America's legal middle class. "NO HABLA ESPANOL"

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Montana and Senator Burns

Please comment on your opinion of Senator Conrad Burns. "Time" magazine ranked the senator in the bottom five and ranked Massachusetts Senator Edward Ted Kennedy in the top five of United States senators. No real surprise there. Do you think Burns should be reelected? Do you believe in term limits, regardless of your support for individual politicians? Do you think a majority of mainstream journalists and college educators maintain liberal ideologies? What is your opinion of current and past farm bills and the issue of farmer subsidies and relief?

Click at the bottom of the article near the time to comment.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Duke University

Defense attorneys have come forward and proclaimed to the press that no positive DNA linking the alleged lacrosse players to the sexual assault of a black student/stripper was obtained after an extensive evidence search. The local district attorney came forward and said that the case was not over, signifying that perhaps enough evidence existed to go forward with a case against one or more of the players. The case has divided the Duke campus and the city of Durham. One of the lacrosse players was not tested because he is a black man and the victim specifically stated that her assailant(s) were white. The victim's brother held a press conference stating that the general public is trying to make his sister the guilty party by portraying her as "just a stripper." He further stated that she is an exotic dancer and student and works to provide for her family. Why not get a job as a bank teller or clerk? If you don't jump in the pool you probably won't get wet. Two things, maybe three. First, if any lacrosse player commited sexual assault or sexual intercourse without consent (Montana statute terminology) then prosecute and convict them. Second, if the alleged victim had been a white girl and excluded the lone white player and said her assailant(s) were black the airwaves would be jammed on CNN with full length interviews of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson railing against the stereotyping of black men as criminals. There is a double standard in this country you know. Third, personal behavior does matter. No, a women who is a mother who is a stripper does not deserve to be assaulted sexually or otherwise. Her personal choices did, however, put her in danger. Her activities are conducive with the "welling up" of the seediest elements and behaviors in society.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Meth Rehabilitation

The Montana Department of Corrections is publicizing it's plan to place convicted methamphetamine addicts into two not for profit treatment facilities in Boulder and Lewistown. Director Slaughter claims that this program will in the end be cheaper than traditional incarceration in the Montana prison system. Second, the corrections department is committed to breaking meth's grip on these offenders.

Let's remember to keep our priorities straight. If this program saves the taxpayers money while ensuring that these supposedly recovering addicts cannot wander through the populace, I say go for it. Saving money should be the paramount objective. The dismal treatment record for meth addiction speaks for itself. I've had meth addicts incarcerated in my jail and this method of denied access to meth worked quite well too. It is not that expensive to lock a meth addict in a padded cell and watch the treatment process begin. The result is the same.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


How we take our mobility for granted! I broke my arm last week and boy does it affect my typing speed. I broke my radius bone in five places and knocked the head off the ulna bone in a fall. The injury required surgery and the addition of a permanent plate to my body. I am hoping to get this blog into more circulation and am just wondering how to do it. Anyway my wife has been kind enough to do my typing so we'll continue posting as long as I can afford to pay her salary.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Seattle Massacre

Once again a Montana or former Montana resident has made our state infamous. I wonder which gun company will face the fire now. Apparently Whitefish residents who knew this Huff kid say they are shocked he could perpetrate such a vile crime. He did, according to reports, shotgun a statue of a moose in the Kalispell area a couple of years ago so at least we know he had the propensity and knowledge to be active with a shotgun. Obviously some circuit somewhere had a short in it. I will not blame the victims in this case but I hope their parents are asking themselves, "Why in the hell didn't I know where my kid was all night?", or "Why did I let my kid attend an all night rave party?" If you disarm yourself and put yourself in the proximity of a grizzly bear sow and jump up and down, you might get eaten.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Global Warming

I was watching "Real Time with Bill Maher" and successfully controlling my gag reflex as he went on a "Gore-like" diatribe concerning global warming. Look. I want a clean, healthy environment too. Is the globe warming because of us? Maybe, I don't know I'm not a climatologist. The liberals are quick to point the finger of damnation at corporate America (the same corporate America that signs Maher's paycheck) but they aren't as willing to reciprocate the other side of the story. Maher never once mentioned that 97% of greenhouse gases come from volcanic emissions. Why don't Maher and Gore climb every Pacific Rim volcano and shovel their respective holes shut? Of the remaining 3% of gases that we (corporations included) contribute to the "greenhouse" effect, how is it that we aren't a little cleaner than we used to be? Our old 76' wagon had a big carb and no fuel injection and got 8mpg instead of a more modern 20 mpg. Also, would someone more scientifically astute than I tell me if it's possible that the Earth and its atmosphere are just changing because it's time or it wants too? Several areas are warmer, several are cooler, some are drier, and some are wetter. At any rate, the typical liberal response is to stop the economy in its tracks, shut down production, and return to a time of loin cloths and clubs for foraging food.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Immigration madness?

I am not sure if the recent immigration protests in large American cities are humouous or not. At least 80,000 Hispanic workers did not show up for work the day of the protest marches. My first reaction is "fire them." Long story short, lax immigration policies have put the entire situation in a bind. Congress is considering making illegal stays in our country a felony, something well overdue I surmise. One Hispanic woman was quoted as saying, "My husband is an illegal immigrant and if he is deported, how will I support myself and our four children?" Maybe you should've thought of that prior to moving in and sucking local public assistance dry. Maybe creating four mouths to feed knowing your husband is an illegal immigrant was a poor and risky decision. Time will tell.